In a week inspired by mantra, we will explore the subtle body and the energetic space that exists between and within each of us. We will explore practices that nurture the heart space, leaving room to create greater depths of unconditional love and compassion.
With mantra as our guide, we will start the day with sound and vibration. Carefully selected music will set a rhythm as we move our bodies in a dynamic vinyasa practice that will get stagnant energy flowing again, leaving us feeling freer and lighter. In the afternoon, that pulse will slow as we explore softer practices like mantra, yoga nidra, sharing circles, and restorative yoga to release subtle layers of tension from the body and mind.
This retreat will center on a deep dive into mantra. The vibration we feel in our day-to-day lives is often out of sync with our body’s true song. This vibration becomes our vibration until we answer the call to find a more intentional rhythm. When mantra is sung in groups, the sound waves create a subtle reverberation that echoes through the heart and clears the air around you, leaving behind a greater clarity and sense of self. We’ll chant together, explore the meaning of mantra, and discuss how it relates to our daily lives.
This week will also offer the unique opportunity to learn to play a mantra on the harmonium and, if you desire, you can lead the group as well.
As we move as one through each practice, you will find an inner knowing of the space that we are all connected to and through. This space finds its center in the heart and gives us the gifts of patience, openness, and a dissolving of the barriers that leave us feeling anything other than aligned with joy and compassion.